Social Media Addiction in Childen

In the past few years, social media addiction has gotten quite common in children aged between 3 to 17. This addiction has been developing in the past decade, with toddlers making tantrums on getting their screens snatched from them, to children trying to harm themselves in order to get their phones back. With the average screen time being from anywhere between 4 to 10 hours, this addiction is called the new drug. Addictions caused mostly by peer influence, leading to increased screen time of a child anyone in their friend circle has lots of screen time. This can lead to many health problems, both mental and physical, with increased screen time leading to weakening of vision, laziness and even obesity. Mental health problems such as depression, ADHD and making tantrums all the time are also most of the times caused by addiction of social media. Many serious and dangerous trends are also spreading in children from social media. Some of these challenges include the blackout challenge, in which the legs of a jumping person are kicked, which leads to blacking out, leading to serious injuries, fractures and even sometimes comas. It is quite advisable to reduce and limit screen time to prevent this new addiction.
